Shabondama Kitchen Cleaning Liquid (300ml) シャボン玉台所用せっけん液体タイプ


Shabondama Kitchen Liquid Soap is non-sticky and does not contain any additives, preservatives, harsh detergents, colourings and fragrances.

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Ingredients : Palm Oil, Oleic Acid (Plant Oil)

Description : Due to long terms contact with chemicals-made kitchen dish cleanser, many housewives suffer a lot from their dishpans hands. Shabondama Kitchen Liquid is an additive free natural dishwashing liquid that allows us to clean and at the same time protect our hand & water.

Shabondama Kitchen Liquid Soap is non-sticky and does not contain any additives, preservatives, harsh detergents, colourings and fragrances.

Overall, it is a good helper for cleansing in kitchen utensils and breastfeeding equipment.


  • 不含任何化學合成界面活性劑、起泡劑、殺菌劑,讓你安心清洗碗盤,不擔心殘留及誤食。
  • 不含廉價人工香精及色素,讓您的餐具器皿於進食時不會混雜怪異香精味
  • 天然石鹼成分,質地溫和,免除做完家事雙手粗糙的困擾。
  • 專門適用於餐具、烹調器皿或調理器具的清潔洗淨,不管是頑垢、細菌、廚餘所產生的黏液及臭味,都能一次清除乾淨。
  • LOHAS樂活居家清潔用品,使用後清潔廢水在一天內即可自然分解,不會污染大自然及河川,不用擔心壬基酚造成環境荷爾蒙問題。
  • 適用於嬰幼兒的奶瓶及食具。


  • 去除油污不需要用大量洗潔液。 其實最好方法是讓海綿跟洗潔液接觸輕鬆起泡,讓泡沫包著油分子,然後帶走油污。
  • 泡泡玉餐具洗潔液原料是石鹼(肥皂),天然好沖洗,不殘留。洗完還有"喜喜摔摔"的聲音與觸感。


  • 洗碗的正確步驟應該是1.去除髒污2.去除洗劑。但是,並非一味大量使用肥皂就是對的,最大的重點其實是在「泡沫」上。將肥皂充分起泡,用泡沫包住油污來洗,才算是抓住了重點。
  • 可先用紙巾或零碎布塊將油污擦去,再用濕的菜瓜布沾取肥皂,充分起泡後直接清洗。(弄濕菜瓜布時若使用溫水,起泡效果會更好)
  • 用流動的清水洗去泡沫。(若用水盆泡洗,油污會再度沾染回餐具上,請特別注意。)


  • 若是焦鍋難刷洗時,可將鍋子加入些許重曹+水混合,放置約10分鐘左右,再用餐具清潔液刷洗,即可輕易的去除燒焦黏鍋底的食物。
  • 將泡泡玉潔手慕斯使用完的瓶子裝入餐具洗潔液補充包可有另一種餐具清潔的新感受喔!
  • 小豆苗實驗(泡泡玉產品vs合成洗劑)

Volume: 300ml

Shabondama Kitchen Liquid Soap is non-sticky and does not contain any additives, preservatives, harsh detergents, colourings and fragrances.


Therefore, set peace of mind and allow your kids to help you in dishwashing. With Shabondama Kitchen Liquid Soap, you can facilitate a closer relationship with your kids and other family members.


Overall, it is a good helper for cleansing in kitchen utensils and baby feeding equipment.


Usage Instructions:

  1. Pour some Shabondama Kitchen Liquid Soap on wet sponge and form lather.
  2. Clean the dishes by using the pre-formed lather wet sponge.
  3. Finally, rinse it up with clean running water.


Cleansing Tips:

  1. Pre-removed the residues through water or by napkins and tissue.
  2. Always rinse with clean running water. Please bear in mind that soaking dishes may cause the lather to re-attached back to the dishes again.
  3. To avoid from having your hands or dishes to feel slimy, please ensure that your sponge is clean and apply Shabondama Kitchen Liquid Soap adequately.
  4. You may use water to dilute Shabondama Kitchen Liquid Soap if you prefer a milder base. For instance, 1L of water can dilute 5ml of Shabondama Kitchen Liquid Soap.





  • It is additive free and you do not have to worry if there is any chemical or food residues left on kitchen utensils.
  • Suitable for all, especially those with dishpan hands.
  • Eco-friendly kitchen liquid soap with biodegradable ingredients.


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Shabondama  Kitchen Cleaning Liquid (300ml) シャボン玉台所用せっけん液体タイプ

Shabondama Kitchen Cleaning Liquid (300ml) シャボン玉台所用せっけん液体タイプ

Shabondama Kitchen Liquid Soap is non-sticky and does not contain any additives, preservatives, harsh detergents, colourings and fragrances.

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